Our Interesting Times: Carroll Quigley, Cecil Rhodes, and the Reconquest of America (through the creation of an International Polity)
“Kevin Cole joins the “Our Interesting Times” podcast with Timothy Kelly to discuss his paper “Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men” and the historical importance of Quigley’s magnum opus Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time. We also talk about Cecil Rhodes and how his plan to reclaim America for the British Empire was largely achieved in the 20th century via the creation of an elite international polity.
Kevin is a historian, writer and researcher. He has also assisted in the production of several documentaries including State of Mind: The Psychology of Control and The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto.”
(Recorded 8.23.2015)
PDF: “Professor Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men”
Also discussed: Western Civilization, Trivium, History of the Trivium Method, Liberal Arts, Education, Isocrates, Cybernetics, Anglo-Saxon Prussianism, Neoliberalism, The Round Table Group, The Pilgrims Society, The Reece Committee, Imperialism, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, International Relations History, Andrew Carnegie, Rhodes Scholarships, The English-Speaking People, The Anglosphere, Internationalism, World Bank, IMF, United Nations, NATO, Tax-Free Foundations, Rothschild, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Institute for International Peace, 5-Eyes, Intelligence, William Binney, John Taylor Gatto, Compulsory Education
“Our Interesting Times Podcast” w/Timothy Kelly
Want to Know More?
“History… The Last Will of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment”
Tragedy and Hope: “Professor Carroll Quigley and the “Article that Said Too Little” by Kevin Cole