Recent Media

Past Media and Publications:

March 2017

I published an excerpted chapter from my forthcoming book entitled “Identity and Distinction: William Torrey Harris, Mass Schooling and the Open Secret of the Universe”

February 2017

My Unity of the Polis Research Brain is now available.

April 2016

The Deep End w/Richard Andrew Grove:  I joined Richard Grove and Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks Podcast to discuss my latest chapter releases in a discussion entitled “The Trivium and Empire

December 2015

I published an excerpted chapter from my forthcoming book in an article entitled “The Ideal Arrangement of Rhodes and the Organic Unity of Empire”.

August 2015

I joined the “Our Interesting Times” podcast with Timothy Kelly to discuss my paper “Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men” and the historical importance of Quigley’s magnum opus.

February 2015

I joined Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope CommunicationsBrett Veinotte of the School Sucks Project and Paul Verge on the Peace Revolution Podcast for a Round Table Discussion breaking down the content of Richard’s incredibly important feature length interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney.  William Binney was also recently featured in the Oscar winning film “Citizenfour” about Edward Snowden. 

Live Skype Q&A with the COM 4930 class at Florida Atlantic University 

August 2014

Interview/Discussion with Richard Grove on the Peace Revolution Podcast to discuss “Builders of Empire: Freemasons and British Imperialism, 1717-1927” by Jessica Harland-Jacobs, Professor of History at the University of Florida.  Our analysis breaks down her class lecture entitled “A Vast Chain Extending Round the Whole Globe: Freemasonry and Empire” and additional research from her book. 

(Download Mp3) (Stream)

July 2014

Cynthia McKinney - SOM Blurb

March 2014

An Evaluation of Carroll Quigley’s Thoughts on the Illuminati, Buonarroti and the Carbonari by Terry Melanson

January 2014

“Professor Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men” by Kevin Cole

(YouTube)  (PDF Download) (Available in German)

August 2013

(Podcast) School Sucks Project (Live): Historical Research Methods, Historiography, and Historicity with Brett Veinotte and Kevin Cole 

(Download Mp3) (Watch Live Video)

July 2013

History… The Last Will of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment with Brett Veinotte, Richard Grove and Kevin Cole 


June 2013

History… The Origins of the U.S. Intelligence Community & Why It Spies on Americans with host Richard Grove and guests Jan Irvin and Kevin Cole

April 2013

History…Connected: Research Discussion on MKULTRA, Cybernetics, Public Schooling, the Psychedelic Revolution, and Social Control with host Richard Grove and guests Jan Irvin and Kevin Cole 

March 2013

History… Connected: The Trivium Method vs. The Classical Trivium: A Briefing by Kevin Cole